English to Borian translation assistance
On this page you will find the continuously updated and supplemented digital version of the Great Dictionary of the Borian languages under development. Further you will find tools that can help you to translate from German, English and into the different Borian languages.
If possible, always search for the basic form of a word (e.g. „go“ instead of „went“), as this leads to better search results.
If you select „Ausführliche Wörterbuchsuche“ („Detailed dictionary research“), the digital dictionary is searched for all entries that contain the desired term in the source language. For example, if you enter „house“, you will also find entries such as „housekeeper „house ban“ or „country house“. For some words you will find additional information on usage or grammatical peculiarities.
You will receive a meaningful translation if you want to translate from one of the Borian languages or from German into a third language or if you want to translate from a third language (e.g. English) into one of the Borian languages or into German. If you translate directly English into Thai, for example, you should check the correct translation by means of back translations.
The following word-to-word translations lead to the best results and are therefore recommended:
- German into any target language (e.g. into Boriani or English)
- Ancient, Old, New or Modern Boriani into any target language (e.g. into German)
- Arabic, English, Dutch, French, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Tswana or Vietnamese into German or into one of the Borian languages
Translate with the „Simultanübersetzung“ („simultaneous translation“), you will receive translations into all available target languages with the respective secondary meanings of your source word, based on your source language. If the database already has the corresponding entries, you will simultaneously receive one or more possible translations of words in the Borian languages, into Arabic, English, French, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Tswana, Thai and Vietnamese. Only the hit that seems to best match the input word or sentence is displayed.
Have fun trying.
Yours Thorben S. Hagenau